Written by Ana Davis
Theme: Forward bends and inversions.
Benefits: good for relieving headaches and nervous tension; balancing for the hormonal system; stretches hamstrings and lengthens/tractions lower back.
Suitable for experienced beginner – intermediate.
Use this sequence to rest and renew at day’s end, to cool the body and mind in hot weather, or whenever you’re feeling tired or in need of some self-nurturing.
1. Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose) – 5 minutes (practice samvrtti pranayama – even inhalation/exhalation)
* do without bolster if menstruating
2. Supta Padangustasana
a) Hamstring stretch – leg to the ceiling
b) Supported leg to side – inner thigh stretch – 2 minutes each leg
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (down face dog pose) – do with heels against a wall – 1-2 minutes
4. Adho Mukha Virasana (supported forward hero’s pose) – 4-5 minutes
5. Uttanasana (supported intense forward stretch) – 2 minutes
6. Prasarita Padottanasana (supported extended wide legged forward bend) – 3 minutes
7. Cross-legged forward bend – 2–3 minutes each side
8. Setu Bandha with brick (bridge pose) – (you can add an inversion variation by straightening one leg first, then both ) – 3–5 minutes
9. Salamba Halasana (supported plough pose) – 5 – 8 minutes
* do not do if menstruating
10. Savasana (corpse pose)
Sequence by Ana Davis, yoga teacher and teacher trainer, specialising in restorative yoga and pre- and post-natal yoga.
For further explanation of restorative Yoga, read ‘Restorative yoga: the art of rest‘.
Photos by Colin Clements, Australian Yoga Life, and Miranda Burne.