yoga-aid-challenge-2008.jpgByron Yoga Centre will be hosting the Yoga Aid Challenge on Byron Bay beach on Wednesday, 22 October, as yogis around the world do 108 sun salutations to raise money for children’s charities. Register for this exciting event and start gathering sponsors!


Byron Bay is one of six confirmed venues across Australia for the 22 October event. The Yoga Aid Challenge has already visited India and Hong Kong this year, and will be performed across America in September, and London and Tokyo in November. The Yoga Aid Challenge 2008 will be supporting local charities including Save the Children, the Nelune Foundation and Football United.

Byron Yoga Centre will organise the Byron Bay event on main beach, with sun salutations led by yoga instructors from Byron Bay yoga community. This will take approximately two hours and is appropriate to all ages, yoga experience or fitness levels – so come join us in one of the world’s most stunning locations.