Yoga is a lot about giving and receiving. It has been proposed that we only keep what we have by giving it away, which is one of the main motivations for teaching and training others to teach.

The yoga we teach at Byron Yoga Centre is called Purna, meaning integrated or complete. Purna Yoga represents a holistic approach to yoga integrating not just the physical postures but also philosophy, meditation, pranayama breath control and the yogic personal and social code of ethics. The postural instruction is alignment focused. Sequences range from gentle restorative to dynamic. Blocks, belts and bolsters are available to be used to support and modify postures safely.

Purna Yoga

Purna Yoga Origins

The first styles of yoga that I practiced were very gentle hatha yoga in the Satyananda and Shivananda traditions. I then discovered the Iyengar technique which is highly focused on postural alignment and the use of yoga props; where postures were held for a relatively long period of time. After that I started practicing Ashtanga yoga – which is a more dynamic flowing sequence of postures. But after a while I realised that these styles weren’t suitable for all bodies and I also wanted to incorporate more of the pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation and the philosophy into the practice. 

I recognised value in each of the styles of yoga that I practiced, and wanted to combine them all. I incorporated the flowing vinyasa of Ashtanga yoga with the detailed alignment from Iyengar, as well as the more gentle and compassionate approach of the Satyananda and Shivananda styles.

It was at this stage that I realised that this made for a much more holistic and complete practice. 

And so called this yoga Purna, which is the sanskrit word for integrated or complete. 

Byron Yoga Centre Values

We seek to integrate all 8 limbs (Ashtanga) of yoga the way it was originally taught, more than 3000 years ago in India. Yoga asanas, or postures, are just one of these limbs. The other limbs are equally important, including meditation, pranayama breath control, and the personal and social code of ethics, the yamas and niyamas.

The practice of yoga is intended to be joyful and to lighten the heart and mind by calming and energising. We encourage students at all levels to build flexibility, strength and stamina of body, mind and spirit.Yoga philosophies, such as ahimsa (non violence), are threaded throughout our classes. This helps bring about a deeper understanding of the key yogic values including diet and lifestyle aspirations. Many Byron Yoga Centre teacher trainees discover, as a consequence, that yoga becomes for them a way of life.

At Byron Yoga Centre we live and work by the values of the 5 yamas and 5 niyamas.


  • Ahimsa – non violence
  • Satya – truthfulness
  • Asteya – Non-stealing
  • Brahmacharya – moderation
  • Aparigraha – simplicity


  • Saucha – cleanliness
  • Santosa – contentment
  • Tapas – a burning effort to achieve a goal
  • Svadhyaya – education
  • Isvara Pranidhana – acknowledge the divine in all

Byron Yoga Retreat Centre is a centre of excellence in delivering yoga teacher training. Byron Yoga Centre teachers inspire a spiritual lifestyle in others, are role models in sattvic living and are authentically motivated to improve peoples lives through Yoga.

At Byron Yoga Centre we value the ability to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness of our students and employees. We seek to provide an environment in which we can all prosper and reach our own inner harmony and contentment.

Byron Yoga Centre’s vision is to promote peace by spreading yoga to every city and country in the world.

The name of the Lord is like the Sun, dispelling all darkness. The moon is full when it faces the sun. The individual soul experiences fullness (purnata) when it faces the Lord. If the shadow of the earth comes between the full moon and sun there is an eclipse. If the feeling of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ casts its shadow upon the experience of fullness, all efforts of the sadhaka to gain peace are futile. – B K S Iyengar, Light on Yoga.




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