Toe Sit – Yin
Despite its apparent simplicity, Toe Sit is one of the more intense yin yoga postures. Patience and persistence are key - over time you can learn to enjoy this pose and appreciate its myriad benefits. [...]
Despite its apparent simplicity, Toe Sit is one of the more intense yin yoga postures. Patience and persistence are key - over time you can learn to enjoy this pose and appreciate its myriad benefits. [...]
Natarajasana is a beautiful and deeply satisfying pose. It requires a combination of strength, flexibility and balance. There are several variations, pictured here is the variation that focuses on the back bend and a variation [...]
Yes Bakasana is an arm balance so requires strength and poise. But it is as much about stability, courage and successfully playing with your centre of gravity. So have some fun with it! Methodology Start [...]
Eka pada rajakapotasana, one legged king pigeon pose, (the variation with the back leg straight and the torso folded forward) is many peoples favourite asana - while Mermaid is the preferred pose for Instagram! [...]
A favourite pose of our senior Yin teacher trainer Tara Fitzgibbon, and sure to feature on the upcoming Yin Yoga Retreat – Half Butterfly (as it’s known in Yin) differs in essence to it’s hatha [...]
This pose obviously strengthens the arms, but it is fundamentally a balance and so promotes equanimity of mind and emotions. If you get your centre of gravity correct it becomes less about arm strength and [...]
Many people’s favourite pose, pigeon is a most rewarding when held for several minutes. A deep hip opener it’s a great preparation for backbends and a prerequisite for getting your foot behind the head in [...]
Twists are so good for us in so many ways. They detoxify, massage our internal organs, help with digestion and rejuvenate the spine. Twists in a yoga practice come in many different forms, for all [...]
There are many benefits of forward bends. Janu Sirsasana (head-to-knee pose) is perfect for your new year sequence: it helps lengthen and create space in the spine, stretches out tight hamstrings, and gently tones our [...]
Connect and center with uplifting Tree Pose Vrksasana (or Tree Pose) is a regular in Purna Yoga asana sequences. It is known to strengthen the legs; gently open the hips; and help with mental, emotional and physical balance. [...]