Following her Bliss – Ana Davis’ story
Written by Christine Lines Ana Davis, one of the senior teachers at the Byron Yoga Centre and specialist in pre and postnatal yoga, was born of hippy parents in the early 70’s. Joining her mother [...]
Written by Christine Lines Ana Davis, one of the senior teachers at the Byron Yoga Centre and specialist in pre and postnatal yoga, was born of hippy parents in the early 70’s. Joining her mother [...]
Written by Kara Goodsell Once upon a time, there was a wee lass living with her family under the grey skies of Northern England. Her name was Gitam and while the other children were playing [...]
“Be in this world as if you are a traveller, a passer by…for this is not home.” - the Prophet Mohammed Byron Yoga Centre's Retreats Manager, Christine Lines, has enjoyed travelling throughout her life. “My [...]
Written by Pete Jackson If someone told you there’s a new drug on the market promising a path to a life free of pain and suffering, how would you react? Would your logical and suspicious side immediately [...]
Written by Kara Goodsell During the course of an interview, the Dalai Lama was once asked if he ever felt lonely. He answered no and said that he realises he is no different to anybody [...]
Written by Kara Goodsell Yogic philosophy speaks of a person’s dharma, or purpose in life. Some are born to be teachers, inspiring understanding and change in another’s life. Judy Krupp is one such teacher, whose [...]
Written by Ana Davis John Ogilvie is one of those rare people you meet with whom you feel an almost instant heart connection. There is a glint in his eyes that tells of an inner-spring [...]