Struggling with your yoga practice during the summer heatwave? Cool down with the ever-popular Legs Up The Wall pose: Viparita Karani. So much more than a restorative posture, Viparita Karani (also known as the ‘fountain of youth pose’ for its anti-aging benefits) is an inversion and can even be a gentle backbend if using props.
- Sit on left side of mat, right hip to wall.
- Pivot around, swing legs up the wall and lie down along mat with buttocks resting on floor and ideally touching wall if hamstrings will allow.
- Keep knees and feet together, quadriceps switched on and feet dorsiflexed.
- Relax the shoulders, and tuck chin to chest to lengthen the back of the neck.
- Close the eyes and look in and down to the heart centre. Rest the hands on the belly for extra nurturing.
- Stay in the posture for however long is comfortable – from five to 20 minutes – to cool and calm the mind, restore and rejuvenate.
- To release: gently and mindfully bend knees to chest and carefully roll to the right side and remain here for a few rounds of breath. Push up with the left hand to come to sitting.
Contraindications and Cautions:
- Menstruation: do not raise buttocks on props
- Pregnancy: Raise the torso on a bolster, avoid lying flat. Take extra care after 4th month of pregnancy, or avoid posture.