We recently had the pleasure of having Yoga Wellbeing Magazine Editor Dana Diament join us on a Retreat at Byron Yoga Centre.

In her inspiring article, Dana’s heartfelt reflections beautifully capture the essence of reconnecting with our true selves through yoga.Dana takes us on her twenty-year journey through the world of yoga, exploring the challenges of ego and the quest for self-realisation. She openly shares her experiences with the temptations of achievement, luxury, and perfection. However, it was during her time at our serene retreat that she faced a deep sense of disconnection from her authentic self.

Dana’s story resonates with the timeless wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, where “asmita” – or egoism – is highlighted as a major hurdle on the path to clarity and liberation. With the support of our dedicated teachers, Dana confronted the ego’s persistent questions: “What is wrong? What can I get? Who can I blame?” Through this introspection, she uncovered profound truths and realized that true freedom comes from releasing the constant need for external validation.

As Dana delved deeper into yoga philosophy, she found the transformative power in shifting her questions to: “What is right? What can I give? Who can I thank?” This simple yet profound change brought about a moment of clarity and a sense of peace similar to the deep moments experienced in yoga practice.

When Dana left the retreat, she was filled with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality, ready to embrace a life of service. Her journey highlights the incredible transformative potential within each of us, waiting to be discovered in the peaceful environment of our centre.

At Byron Yoga Centre, we are dedicated to offering accessible practices, nurturing surroundings, and genuine teachings to all who wish to explore the timeless wisdom of yoga. Dana’s journey reminds us that amidst the chaos of modern life, true self-discovery is found in simplicity and community.

Join us on this transformative journey with our one, three, five or seven day yoga retreats. Together, we can embrace the wisdom of yoga and uncover the boundless potential within ourselves. Let’s walk this path hand in hand, towards the bright shores of self-discovery and awakening.

You can purchase Yoga Wellbeing Magazine and read Dana’s full article here.

